Friday 4 October 2019

Marmaduke Montmorency Burton Takes on ISIL

How UK Prime Minister sees archaeologists... Boris Johnson wrote a movie script in 2015 titled "Mission to Assyria" starring an archaeologist named Marmaduke Montmorency Burton who is also in the SAS leading a team of seven heroes to fight ISIS (Emily Sheffield, 'Boris and the undiscovered film pitch — starring Scarlett Johansson and a hero called Marmaduke', The Evening Standard 4/10/19).
 “It all springs from my rage and disbelief at the destruction of places like Hatra and Nimrud and Nineveh … I cannot abide the apathy of the west,” he writes as way of passionate introduction [...] Marmaduke [...] is a slack-jawed archaeologist, in Johnson’s imagination an “old Clooney/Connery/Eastwood type geezer in his fifties,” with SAS connections. The female lead, an archaeologist, is “gorgeous but scholarly” (naturally). He hopefully suggests Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johansson [...] there’s a crew of other characters that make up his Magnificent Seven, the swashbuckling explorers and scholars, gathered by Angelina/Scarlett, from dusty libraries and centres of learning.
Been done. 'The Monuments Men' is a 2014 war film directed by George Clooney,
The mission of this motley crew of heroes is to rescue Shargar, the long-lost city of Tiglath-Pileser III in Syria, from the advancing evil of Islamic State.Admittedly the plot gets a bit thin from here.

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