Friday 4 October 2019

Morocco Wants US Market to Respect Export Regulations

The Government of Morocco has requested U.S. import restrictions on archaeological and ethnological material. This request was submitted pursuant to Article 9 of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property as implemented by the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act.

That means that the ACCP dealers' lobby group will be running a few articles over the next few weeks digging up the dirt on Morocco (exploitation of camels, alleged connections with Biden's son, poor cleanliness in airport lobbies, the usual ACCP stuff) and Peter Tompa will be riling up coin collectors to get them to copy and paste bulk mailstuffing to the Department of State opposing any such thing (on account of the ancient coins of the Mauretanian coast  and 'desert patinated' Roman coins.

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