Tuesday 26 October 2010

Bulgarian Police Bust Illegal Treasure Hunting Deal

The Plovdiv police were able to halt an illegal deal involving antiques and to seize several antiquities (Novinite: 'Bulgarian Police Bust Illegal Treasure Hunting Deal' , October 26, 2010).
Bulgarian police arrested five men in the village of Ustina, near the second largest city of Plovdiv, while they were attempting to conduct an illegal deal involving antiques. The information was reported by the Bulgarian Interior Ministry Tuesday. The five detainees include 2 treasure hunters from the village, Y.P., 45, and A. Ch., 62, and their customers – N.S., 38, from the capital Sofia and A.B., 43, and S.K., 41, from Plovdiv. The raid of Y.P.'s house discovered 5 pages from a metal antique book, 4 ceramic statuettes, and a ceramic bowl. The police further seized several cell phones and laptops. Both treasure hunters have criminal records – for fraud, illegal drugs possession, theft, assault and battery. All are being held behind bars for 24 hours before facing a judge. The confiscated objects were sent to Sofia to be examined by experts from the National History Museum.
I wonder what is covered by "5 pages from a metal antique book"? A Roman military discharge diploma? So who were businessmen "N.S." from Sofia together with "A.B." and "S.K." from Plovdiv gong to sell the looted antiquities to?

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