Sunday 30 January 2011

Egypt Looting: Follow the Stories

The following web-sources are among those where readers can find information and updates about the news emerging about the ongoing looting of sites and museum storerooms and other damage to sites and monuments in Egypt in this period of the breakdown of law and order:

News from the Valley of the Kings Kate Phizackerley,
Egyptology News Andrea Byrnes and others,
Facebook: Restore + Save the Egyptian Museum! -run by Sarah Parcak
Facebook: Egyptologists for Egypt. Supporting the people's demands
Talking Pyramids Vincent Brown
The Eloquent Peasant Margaret Maitland
Ancient Egypt Online

It is difficult trying to follow the often conflicting news that is coming out of a country with media which have been shut down and restricted and government-run media being a major source.


Zahi Hawass' blog [UPDATE: and facebook page created 10th April 2010]

[the Internet began to work again Wednesday 2nd Feb]
Egyptological Looting Database 2011: A Site by Site Database of the Damage to Antiquites in Egypt on, run by Kate Phitzackerley "The site was established to respond to the fast-moving situation in Egypt. It is a working site, so please don’t expect lots of refinement. Information is provided on a best endeavours basis, but until the situation normalises little can be guaranteed".

Luxor News (News, events and Egyptology from Luxor) - Jane Akshar

Luxor Times Magazine (blog)

Ahram Online

Al-Masry Al-Youm

Youm 7

Bikya Masr

Egyptian gazette

Vignette: not a looted head.

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