Some US citizens however raised concerns a few weeks ago about mysterious mass deaths of wild birds in several states, they just dropped out of the sky, prompting concern about accidental environmental contamination. No need to worry on that account, it seems the conservationally-challenged US government is doing it deliberately. In an article published by The NaturalNews Network (U.S. government commits avian holocaust with mass poisoning of millions of birds) we learn that in 2009 alone, the following bird populations were poisoned and killed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, using US taxpayer dollars, listed as "Intentional" and "Killed / Euthanized":
Brown-headed cowbirds: 1,046,109And hundreds of thousands of foreign and domestic archaeological sites trashed all over the world so greedy morally-challenged collectors can fill their coin cabinets and living room antiquity display cases. These are the people with which UK metal detectorists and antiquity collectors together with their archaeological "partners" are intimate bedfellows.
European Starlings: 1,259,714
Red-winged blackbirds: 965,889
Canadian geese: 24,519
Grackles: 93,210
Pigeons: 96,297
...plus tens of thousands of crows, doves, ducks, falcons, finches, gulls, hawks, herons, owls, ravens, sparrows, swallows, swans, turkeys, vultures and woodpeckers, among other animals. [...] also murdered in 2009 by the USDA are victims of other species: 27,000 beavers, 1700 bobcats, 81,000 coyotes, 2,000 gray foxes, 336 mountain lions, 1900 woodchucks, 130 porcupines, 12,000 raccoons, 20,000 squirrels, 30,000 wild pigs, 478 wolves.
See the list yourself at: http://www.naturalnews.com/files/US...
Kill-happy Nebraskan farmers cannot actually work out they need to cover their feed?
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