Wednesday 11 July 2012

Ireland Has Anti-Archaeolooting Laws, but UK Archaeologists Eroding Their Resolve?

As mentioned in the adjacent post, about this time last year one Ciaran ("ibecake"), a metal detectorist from East Cork, and was talking about his difficulties getting a licence to use his machine. Members were supportive, and in the course of the discussion, Liam Nolan says:
it looks like there is a healthy concern from the UK archaeologists that southern Ireland is not allowing the use of MD. They point out the great value of the PAS (Portable Antiquities Scheme) finds and how these have identified big opportunities for more targeted digs, thus saving wasted resources on barren sites. [...] The laws may change and I am sure they will as UK archaeologists want their Southern Irish colleagues to have a wider access to recovered artefacts via the MD fraternity and then perhaps extending the Portable Antiquities Scheme to cover southern Ireland. There is always a deal of politics at work and in this situation we are being helped enormously by the UK archaeologists who see the value in co-operation with responsible detecting.
And which UK archaeologists would be behind this attempt to influence the antiquities preservation of the Republic of Ireland?

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