Saturday, 24 August 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Pride and Rally Prizes

We've all seen them, the UK detectorists that brag (with or without false modesty) about "what I found yesterday/last week/in the past month", and it's always a lot of rather interesting items. Bragging is an important part of being a collector of any kind, and in this case showing 'wottalotta-stuff-I-got' is a way of demonstrating prowess as a hunter. Then there's the one who presents something which is so out of place (an Athenian tetradrachm for example in one case) that you suspect it's a wind-up, something bought on eBay (the tetra was a cast fake) presented as a genuine find. There is some incentive for this. At the 'Worlingworth Inaugural Rally Sept 29th 2013', the organizers intend to offer "a prize for best find". Rally-uk member darren67 (Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:37 pm) warns:
be careful with the best find prize as a few rallies have done this in the past and people stated to bring finds with them,if you know whayt i mean.
And who'd be the natural choice for judging the "best find" competitions if they are in attendance? Why, the PAS of course, picking them out from among the ones they've recorded as coming from that rally. So in such a case, they'd be arbitrating in a competition which would be directly responsible for distorting the very record that they are making. How's that for a catch 22 situation? 

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