Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Gettysburg Relic Store Robbed Police Ask Collectors for Help

The Union Drummer Boy Gettysburg (photo Andrew T. Smith)

Brendan Synnamon has for the last twenty years been running a shop in Baltimore street, Gettysburg, called 'The Union Drummer Boy'. This deals in Civil War memorabilia, relics and other militaria. In circumstances that are unexplained his wife found out two days ago that another Gettysburg man was selling some of the shop's items on Facebook. It seems that more than $100,000 worth of items had previously been stolen from the shop. The police were informed and a search warrant was executed and in the man's house, more than $82,000 worth of items (firearms, photographs, clothing, medals and other Civil War, World War I, World War II and Vietnam military items) which were reportedly determined to have been stolen from Synnamon's store. Police are attempting to recover more of the stolen property; they are asking anyone who may have bought or traded items with the arrested man within the last year to contact them.

All of which goes to show that it pays to ask any seller of relics proof of just where, precisely, they came across the items they are offering for sale. In some cases they may be stolen.

Mark Walters, 'Police: $82K in stolen military items from Gettysburg store recovered', The Evening Sun, 13th August 2013.

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