Friday 9 February 2018

The Things Collectors Collect: Skulls in the mail

More collectors trying to get their hands on human remains (AP, 'Skulls in the mail: Indonesia foils artifact smuggling'/ Heads up: Indonesia foils bizarre human skull smuggling attempt Friday, 09 February, 2018):
 Customs officials on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali say they've foiled an attempt to mail 24 elaborately decorated human skulls to the Netherlands. The Customs Department said Friday that cartons containing the skulls were intercepted on two separate dates in January. The skulls are believed to be culturally-significant artifacts from other parts of Indonesia. They were labeled as manufactured from synthetic materials but found to be human after being examined by experts from the Balinese Cultural Heritage Conservation Center. Customs official Ni Aniek said the skulls are probably from Papua and Kalimantan. No one has been arrested.

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