Thursday 22 August 2019

Facebook's Black Market in Antiquities: Trafficking, Terrorism, and War Crimes

'Facebook's Black Market in Antiquities: Trafficking, Terrorism, and War Crimes', an in-depth investigation into the widespread illicit trade in cultural property on Facebook's new virtual black markets Download the report at

It is fairly fashionable these days to have a pop at Facebook, but there are at least two other players that need public condemnation here, the dealers that use this means to shift their stuff, and the collectors that go there to buy from them. What is the so-called 'legitimate' antiquities trade doing to get these sales stopped? Are they monitoring the illicit activities going on within the trade (because it IS all part of it) and reporting/disrupting them in any way? It seems to me that the lobbyists for the industry arguing for less restrictions are in fact working this the wrong way, because it is precisely this type of activity that is the best argument for more. If the trade does not do anything to STOP those that use the current situation to peddle illicit items, then eventually public opinion will STOP the trade to cut out these illicit sales.  

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