Sunday 9 August 2020

You Wanna Buy Old Scrolls?


Bonhams, Antiquities London, New Bond Street 5 Oct 2011, LOT 379 THREE COMPOSITE PAPYRUS SCROLLS Sold for £8,125   
Three composite papyrus scrolls Ptolemaic - Roman Period, circa 3rd Century B.C. - 3rd Century A.D.
Each composed of scraps of papyrus, now formed into rolls, with some demotic script and some Greek script, the demotic probably administrative lists, 10½in (26.7cm) longest (3)
: Mulligan Collection, USA. Acquired by the owner's grandfather in the 1950s and thence by descent.
 Literature: Such rolls are made up of ancient papyri, old unwanted documents, which were reused as the basic material of cartonnage in antiquity. In modern times they were separated and re-formed into rolls.

 Some might call this fakery... 

Yet, though the auctioneer is quite clear about what this is, still somebody paid 8000 quid for them. Why? Surely not to "study" them. 

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