Thursday, 14 April 2016

Norfolk men appear in court for metal detecting

Two men were spotted by police on part of West Harling Heath metal detecting near burial mounds, upon seeing police, the men reportedly ran off, discarding the metal detector as they fled.
When officers caught up with [Aiden McCulloch, 26] and Xavier Ruiz, 30, they found old Roman coins and other metal detecting equipment in a car belonging to McCulloch. The court heard that the coins had nothing to do with the incident on July 1 last year but had been acquired legally by McCulloch who has a passion for metal detecting. McCulloch, who represented himself in court, said he thought the heath, close to Thetford Forest - a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) - was common land where he would be permitted to search for treasure.
But did he have a written search and take permit or not?
McCulloch, who yesterday admitted one count of going equipped for theft, said: “Before I started metal detecting my life was very different. “I had nothing to live for. I was on a downward spiral. It’s changed my life and given me something to focus on.” McCulloch, who has a number of previous convictions, said he “did not have much in his life” and insisted he might have been in prison now were it not for metal detecting.  [...] Charles Kellett, for Ruiz, said his client’s offending had been “coming down in recent years” and was now studying for a degree in computing online which had given him something to focus upon.
So basically the sort of no-hopers that apparently often take up Treasure hunting. The forums are full of them.  The two admitted going equipped for theft, and received some light sentences.

Peter Walsh, 'Norfolk men appear in court for metal detecting', Eastern Daily Press 13th April 2016

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