Sunday 12 January 2020

Metal Detectorist Stolen Assets still outstanding?

January 2021, that's when the Leicestershire Fieldworkers are due to get back the money they had stolen from them by metal detectorist John Malony according to the verdict of a recent court case ('Detectorist Defrauds Archaeological Organization of £11kPACHI 30th May 2019. Meanwhile that is still £2400  that the group does not have at its disposal to carry out its activities. 
 Andrew Howarth, representing Maloney [...]  said his client was selling his coin collection to pay money back to the group and could also promise to pay £200 a month until the outstanding cash was repaid. Judge Timothy Spencer said [...] “You had an interest in archaeology, metal detecting and that sort of thing and then you turned to crime. “It was systematic milking of an account you were trusted to look after [...] the way to provide for family members is not to steal from others.” 
But collection-driven exploitation of the archaeological record is systematic milking of the archaeological record for selfish aims, to build up a personal collection. Metal detecting is all about self-centred taking, I really do not know why any archaeological group would want to work with any of them.

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