Thursday 30 January 2020

"Tits-and-Bums Items" from The Alan Dershowitz Collection

Alan Dershowitz, member of the defence team for the 2020 impeachment trial of Donald Trump, is an avid 'art collector', he has a house full of stuff. Erin Thompson has a short thread on Twitter about it. She links to a New York Times article in which Dershowitz complains that he can’t donate his antiquities to museums because they won’t accept them without paperwork to show they were legally exported from their country of origin (duh). They show some photos of the inside of his house that I am sure I blogged about when they were published - as I recall very much in the same spirit as the comments now being made, but I cannot find that post here. What we do learn however is that though museums will not take his items, auction houses continue to do so. These, this blog records, included a Bronze 'Erotic' group from 'South Arabia' Sold by Bonhams, but it is difficult to say from the photos what it was really. Then there are some lamps, with, er... scenes of couples.

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