Tuesday 16 August 2011

Archaeological Artefacts, Hashish and Forged Identity Papers

This is a weird one from Youm 7:
BEHEIRA, Egypt: The Egyptian police authority confiscated 22 archeological statutes and spice tools from a suspect who was allegedly trying to make money from selling the artifacts. Abu Zeid Fathy, the accused, was arrested with the pieces. Fathy had 9,000 EGP (U.S. $1,510) and U.S. $100 on his person. The police also confiscated hashish from his car [...] in Kafr el-Sheikh. The police also found a forged identification card on Zeid with the name “[...] "Amr Nagy Hashim el-Feqy" and worked in drug control authority, while the second card has his real name. The accused now is under investigation.
Mohammed Atta the 9/11 terrorist was from Kafr el-Sheikh, which is near the coast in the middle of the Nile delta. This is also the region where an antiquities storeroom was attacked by forty armed men a while back. Quite what these "spice tools" are and why they are significant nobbody seems to know, apparently the arab original actually does say this. Maybe they were in some way connected with narcotics? Anyway, another indication that the people from whom western dealers and collectors buy antiquyities from are not very nice people.

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