Tuesday 1 October 2013

Egypt Returns Looted Valdivian Antiquities to Peru and Ecuador

Looted Valdivian antiquities returned to Peru and Ecuador by Egypt. Egypt has returned three terracotta heads from the Valdivia culture, from between the years 2,000 and 2,500 BC: 
Ecuadorian Ambassador Edwin Johnson received the tiny figures, which were sent to Egypt from the United States by an antique dealer some months ago and detected by Egyptian customs authorities with the cooperation of the Unit for Combating Trafficking of Antiquities. During the ceremony, Antiquities Minister Mohamed Ibrahim gave Peruvian Ambassador Alberto Galve two Chancay Cuchimilco figures [...] The ceremony was of particular significance because it was held in a room of the famous Cairo Museum, in which there is a temporary exhibition of archaeological items that were looted in late January 2011, during the riots that forced ex-President Hosni Mubarak to resign. 
Nice that, more than half the population of the country living in poverty and suffering severe economic hardships, and some oik buying looted antiquities from US dealers.

'Egypt Returns Stolen Antiquities to Ecuador and Peru', Prensa Latina 30th Sept 2013. 

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