Tuesday 8 October 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: The Dorset Great Hole

Above (Focus on UK Metal Detecting: More UK Tekkie "Truthiness) I discuss a text in which veteran UK metal detectorist John Howland writes of the artefact collectors of the Mingeborne Amateur Archaeological Society who allegedly fail to meet what he describes as
"the high standards set by the UK’s metal detectorists and the Portable Antiquities Scheme".
We are told that artefact hunters hunt artefacts to recover information on the history of their local area and that the PAS helps in this.  Well, I do not know about the Mingeborne archaeological society but I and GCHQ do know where John Howland lives (lived, his house was on the market last year). If you look on the latest Portable Antiquities Scheme plot of all database findspots, the area for several tens of kilometres round that address is pretty well blank in comparison to the areas around. Is that because it's an archaeological wasteland, or is Mr Howland not reporting any finds made in searching near his home, or is he for some reason reporting them as from elsewhere, or have the "Mingeborn amateur archaeologists" from Hampshire  got them all?

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