Tuesday 8 October 2013

Tarby gets Visitors - Quite a lot of them

Central Museum of Mongolian Dinosaurs
in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Photo by Bolortsetseg Minjin)
You'll not see this on Peter Tompa's blog (Peter Tompa wanted to prevent this happening, he worked to keep this shut away in the personal collection of a US buyer - until the Feds put a stop to that by arresting the seller). Tarby, the tarbosaurus bataar smuggled into the US and then sold for a lot of dosh by Heritage Auctions defying a court order is back home in Mongolia, the country it had been smuggled out of by unscrupulous smugglers out to make a quick buck. Here she is from the front, here she is with a crowd of admirers from the back. Very handsome, Mr Procopi put in a lot of hard work to make her look like that, it's a shame that he did not sort out the paperwork properly before he began. The building she's currently in (on Chingis Square) is rather an eye-opener too.

It has been on exhibition since June 8th. A colleague who has seen it mentioned that there is much information about the whole smuggling case in the beginning of the exhibition before visitors see the actual exhibition hall. The visitor numbers speak for themselves. Since it was put on display, over half a million people saw the skeleton in the first three months. And Mr Tompa and his pals wanted to keep it in an American millionaire's private collection.

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