Sunday 6 October 2013

Worlingworth Rally Followup

The organizers of the Worlingworth village archaeology-destruction grabfest seem pleased with themselves: 
Unread postby WORLYGIGGER » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:05 pm
Just like to thank all those RallyUK members for supporting our successful event.
Everyone very friendly and chatty and also patient at the busy moments.
Now for next year!
If you click on this link, you will find how many loose decontextualised finds now in scattered ephemeral personal artefact collections and originating from the rally entered the PAS database this week. There are currently 19 finds from metal detecting in the parish in the records. Tally so far, two objects found in 2001, 9 in 2002 (mostly coins), 7 in 2003, one in 2006. Nothing since then.  Let us see how those "busy times" reported by the rally organizers are represented in the growth of public archaeological knowledge about the parish.


Anonymous said...

I suspect "Now for next year!" is a tight lipped confession that it won't happen next year.

Either way I doubt that when the church renovations are completed they'll be erecting a plaque saying how they got the dosh to do it!

Unknown said...

Just had a look at the PAS and the finds for worlingworth and 90 % of them were recorded by myself i have a collection that anyone is welcome to look at and its amazing these finds survive the plough and it must be better than just letting everything get destroyed

Unknown said...

I have been detecting for 4 years now and after looking the the PAS and finds for worlingworth i can say that over 90% of them i have had recorded

My collection is open to anyone to view and i find it amazing that anything can survive farming over hundreds of years i record everything i find
A great hobby that has really given me an interest in history and my kids

but i suppose we are all entitled to our opinions let me know when you are about this way i have a spare detector,ill take you out for the day

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