Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Illegal excavations are still going on at Mari and Dura Europos archaeological site

Illegal excavations are still going on at Mari and Dura Europos archaeological site:
 "The DGAM received information from local community that the illegal excavation are still going at Mari archaeological site, carrying out with heavy machinery by armed gangs of looters encouraged by ISIL and organized like the Mafia connected with gangs from the neighborhood countries,  Locals reported also, that Dura Europous is subject to illegal excavations after it was stopped during the last months. ISIL encourage hiring the locals, taking advantage of their economic need and poverty, permits them digging at tax for a 1/3 percentage of the monetary value of any finds".
For there to be a monetary value, there has to be a buyer, presumably we may link the latter with " gangs from the neighborhood countries".

Source: DGAM, 'Illegal excavations are still going on at Mari and Dura Europous archaeological site ', 17.02.15

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