Thursday 17 April 2014

"P. Sapp Obbink"? Eh? Who owns this fragment?

The eponymous
Dr Obbink
Roberta Mazza, lecturer in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Manchester on her  Faces&Voices blog ('Papyri, private collectors and academics: why the wife of Jesus and Sappho matter
' April 17th 2014) gives the following information about the publication of the new Sappho fragment:
Dirk Obbink does not provide any detail on acquisition circumstances and documents in the final publication of what is now called in papyrological language ‘P. Sapp. Obbink’, just out (Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 189, 2014, 32-49)
It seems rather unfortunate that somebody (Dr Obbink himself?)  chose the scholar's name to define the papyrus. It rather suggests he himself is the owner. Is he? How come?

Dr Mazza's post is well-argued and well worth reading. Please give the points she raises some thoughts.

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