Wednesday 20 May 2015

Part of Palmyra taken by ISIL

Now the "will they, won't they?" begins: "BREAKING IS overruns northern part of Syria's ancient Palmyra". Here is a  RT Report from yesterday showing the people who will be affected:

UPDATE 20th May 2015
"Syrian antiquities chief says statues moved from Palmyra" (Reporting by Kinda Makieh; Writing by Tom Perry; editing by John Stonestreet)
Hundreds of statues have been moved from the historic Syrian city of Palmyra to locations safe from Islamic State militants who managed to infiltrate it on Wednesday, the country's antiquities chief told Reuters. Maamoun Abdulkarim said "small groups" of militants had entered the central city, and called on the Syrian army, opposition and international community to save the UNESCO World Heritage site. "Hundreds and hundreds of statues we were worried would be smashed and sold are all now in safe places," he said. "The fear is for the museum and the large monuments that cannot be moved," Abdulkarim said. "This is the entire world's battle."
Given the rate at which ISIL is expanding the territory under its control to the southeast and southwest, one wonders just where those "locations safe" are.

See also  Kareem Shaheen, 'Fears for Palmyra's ancient treasures as Isis retakes northern part of Syrian city', the Guardian Wednesday 20 May 2015

UPDATE 21st May 2015

It is the whole city now. Channel 4 News 'Palmyra has fallen to Islamic State', focuses on the heritage site:.

 Channel 4 News posted on You Tube.


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