Sunday 9 February 2020

Dealer Loses "Tribal" Artefacts

Large Collection of Tribal Art Items - London, England February 10, 2020
A large number of Tribal art pieces have been reported stolen from a locked storage facility in Queensway, West London. It is believed that the items were taken on or about January 17, 2020.
If you have any information as to the whereabouts of any of these items, please contact
Bryan Reeves, Tribal Gathering London [...]
What do they mean by calling these items "tribal"? What does it even mean? And from whom or what are these items (only?) now "stolen"?

Ironically, the dealer has a 'storage clearance sale':
All these old friends below in some cases where [sic] collected as far back as the 1990′s and have been in storage mostly ever since. All now reduced by 50 per cent or more, Click on images to enlarge and if anything grads [sic] your eye just get in contact [...] Note – these pieces will only remain on the site for a limited period
*** This page has just been updated with new findings from the storage ***
So, actually he's got so much stuff stashed away he's no idea what he's got... and the stock inventory?

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