Monday 14 October 2013

Five Issues Threatening the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Sites

Yesterday, the World Monuments Fund announced their 2014 World Monuments Watch, launching a two-year advocacy for 67 sites in 41 countries. Since 1996, WMF has concentrated on giving national and international exposure to cultural heritage sites that are at risk [...] Ranging from as iconic a site as the St. Louis Arch to an overlooked mask-making tradition in Hong Kong to the entire country of Syria, the sites include landscapes, religious structures, and vernacular structures along with architectural sites, each selected from 248 nominations.
The five major issues highlighted by the 2014 Watch that threaten to destroy or irrevocably change the cultural landscape of the world are as follows:
Ephemeral Value of Heritage
Aging Modernism 

For the fuller story with pictures see Allison Meier, 'Five Issues Threatening the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Sites' October 9, 2013

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