Friday 4 October 2013

The Dialectic of Preservationism

The ACCG Committee on Un-American Activities (ACUAA)  has delivered its verdict on "Anti-American archaeo-blogger David Gill" for criticizing a senior Republican Congressman who has lent a favourable ear to the ACCG's whingeing in return for an award (marked by a tinny ACCG wall plaque for his office or den).
Congressman Culberson [...] cares about State Department transparency and accountability.  But so do Democratic legislators like the Senators Schumer and Gillibrand [...] concerns about how the State Department and Customs impose import restrictions on cultural goods is something both liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans can agree upon. 
Fortunately, outside Washington and its destructive partisanship, the need to protect the world's precious archaeological record from the grabbing depredations of the US  antiquities trade and self-centred dealers and collectors is also something that in the US many liberal Democrats and even a few conservative Republicans can agree upon. 

Vignette: Nicholas Burns cannot accept ACCG award (photo: after ACCG)

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