Tuesday 3 December 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Those Numbers Again

The Heritage Action Artefact Erosion Counter algorithm (not "logarithm" as suggested by some ignorants in the milieu) operates on the premise that there has been a relatively stable number of metal detectorists in the UK - my earlier figure of 10 000. We now know that currently there are probably many more, but it still ticks over at the old rate. One of the noisiest deniers of the Counter at present is John Howland, so I was amused to see the following in his guest post on the John Winter blog, an undated (c. 1994?), unsourced (Leeds local rag?) newspaper cutting:

If there is any basis to this FID figure, the HA Counter should have been ticking away up to ten times faster for the mid 1990s than it has been.

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