'Biblical Giants Unearthed in Golan Heights?'What an embarrassment. Unfazed though by the realisation that the photo clearly shows a very post-medieval burial in a coffin and no fifth century internment, Mr Tompa attempts to salvage the situation and take another swipe at those hated archies:
'Secret Society Announces Discovery of 13th Crystal skull'
'Atlantis Cuba: Underwater Ruins Could Be Linked to Atlantis'
'Remains of Pixie Specimen Discovered in Ireland' and so on
Addendum (3/28/14): Apparently the news about Hungarian archaeologists finding Attilla's grave was faked. It does lead one to wonder how much archaeological "truth" out there is not for real.Pathetic. It actually leads one to wonder just how much truth there is in anything reported as fact by certain cultural property lobbyists.
Cultural Peroperty Observer has obviously not been following this case with the attention it deserves, Mr Tompa can't spell Sevso either.
1 comment:
Since you bring it up, I first saw it on Dorothy King's blog (she's since taken it down) and then on the Facebook page of someone who follows issues related to Hungary. I guess we were all taken in, and I will be more careful in the future before reporting archaeological "discoveries." I guess they may not be what they seem.
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