Sunday 13 November 2016

Illicit Military Shipments from Afghanistan? Nah.

Afghan soldiers, William Giles is not here
An offer hard to refuse from US army?
Hello, I am Capt. William Giles, an officer in the US Army, and also a West Point Graduate presently serving in the Military with the 82nd Air Borne Division Peace keeping force currently deployed in Afghanistan. I have a business preposition for you. I need your in safe keeping of two boxes. This military box contains something I can't disclose now to you until I hear back from you. If you are honest, reply back and I will give you more details. Be rest (sic) assured of a handsome reward. Captain William Giles
Hello 'Captain Giles', it wouldn't be looted antiquities in your secret 'military box' would it? So tell me, why can you not spell the name of your unit correctly, and why are you unaware that the rest of your fellows returned to the States last year?

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