Sunday 21 June 2020

Somerset Landowner Asks Finders to Break the Law and Refuses Access to Treasure Find, did he Refuse the Treasure Ransom Too?

The archaeologists that dug up a Treasure find in a muddy field in Somerset in 2013 reportedly left behind them such a mess that the landowner was angered - and this is why why they were not invited back to uncover more.... So the next hoard was uncovered and recorded without the archaeologists at the land owners request...
Fact is the Land owner didn't like the way you Archies left the land... There land was left in a right state... So when they found ANOTHER hoard the land owner requested NOT to inform them because they (Archies) left a mess... So they had no opion but to recover and record themselves... 
Assuming the finders went against the landowner'd request "not to inform" the authorities (which would be against the law), this is possibly the second hoard: Record ID: SOM-9F1577
"[...] They were removed from the field by the finder. The finder reports [...] Although some scraps of pottery were in the area [...] [they] were not retained by the finder". 
 If that's it, some "record" these clowns made. Of course the point is lost on them that if the proper arrangements cannot be made for the finds from a project to be dealt with according to the Code of Practice of the Treasure Act, they have absolutely no business searching in the first place, and certainly the Treasure reward should be waive from both the finder as well as the non-compliant landowner.

It is however very difficult using the PAS search engine to verify this, the "map results" facility shows just FOUR hoards found since 2013, though the search results it is purported to be mapping consist of 138 records, but among them is a huge contamination from the IARC records, some of which go back to the 19th century, so the PAS search engine once again turns out to be a pretty useless "tool" as a source of any kind of reliable information.

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