Friday 5 June 2020

Lockdown-Recorded Coin of Offa or Something that Looks Like it

Dr Simon Maslin @spmaslin Finds Liaison Officer for Surrey and Hampshire, working for Surrey County Council and Hampshire Cultural Trust on behalf of the British Museum.  Cultural Trust on behalf of the British Museum.
For FindsFriday - another great emailed find, discovered a few years ago but now recorded with @findsorguk for the first time, a unique(?) 8th century silver penny of Offa of Mercia, minted in East Anglia and found in Hampshire - the heart of Wessex! (
Interesting, what a good job it was found by a PAS-partner. To my jaded antiquities-trade eye, this looks very much in fabric and style like some of the early Medieval fake coins of rare and previously unknown British and Carolingian types that have been coming out of Serbia, but introduced onto the market through ephemeral sellers across the Balkans and in Poland.  Just shows appearances can be deceptive... an "emailed find" means the recorder does not have it in his hand?

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