Wednesday 10 June 2020

UK Metal Detectorist Detects Metal: Historic England Spokesperson Dissembles

Anonymous spokesperson
A metal detectorist dug holes overnight between June 1 and 2nd in Fotheringhay Castle in East Northamptonshire, protected as a scheduled monument, (Sam Wildman, 'Metal detectorist wanted after holes dug at historic East Northants site where Mary, Queen of Scots was killed' Northamptonshire Telegraph Monday, 8th June 2020)
An investigation has been launched after the criminal incident within the grounds [...] A man had been spoken to at the site earlier in the evening of June 1 about not being able to use a metal detector in the grounds of the castle. He apologised and walked off towards the river. A police spokesman said: "He is described as white, about 6ft tall, of a slim build and had a long light coloured beard. "He was wearing dark shorts and a dark short-sleeved shirt." [...] Police, who are working closed with History England to identify the culprit, want to speak to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in or around the castle, or may have any information on vehicles parked near to the site which may be related to the incident. 
and of course there is the usual crap:
"A spokesman for Historic England said: “The majority of the metal-detecting community comply with the laws and regulations regarding their use. However, the small number of people who steal artefacts and damage ancient sites are robbing us all of the knowledge and understanding that objects from the past can give us.”
That should read: "an honest and informed heritage professional admitted that the hobby of collection-driven exploitation of the archaeological record is knowledge theft and damages ancient sites which is robbing us all of the knowledge and understanding that they [the sites not the objects] can give us.

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