Thursday 20 May 2021

Department of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield

"The Department of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield has been under review and three options are being actively considered by the University Executive Board, with a decision to be made on Tuesday next week. These are:
1. To support and invest in the Department.
2. To close the Department, with all staff made redundant.
3. To retain archaeology as a sub-discipline but not as a department. Two key areas of perceived ‘strength’ (encompassing approximately four staff) to be realigned to other cognate departments. All the remaining staff to be made redundant.

The Department staff feel that the key findings presented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor to them were stacked against Option 1.

Options 2 and 3 will effectively mean the end of archaeology at Sheffield and the loss of decades of experience, expertise and promotion of the field, to say nothing of the livelihoods of staff. They are therefore asking for our support in any way you feel you can, in the very limited window of opportunity that there is to still influence the decision.


If you would like to provide your individual support there is an online petition at:

which would welcome your signature.."

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