Saturday 5 October 2013

Central Searchers Commercial Artefact Hunting Rally Todaydig:

A motley horde of artefact hunters is about to attack another area of central England's archaeological record. This grabfest is at Thorpe Achurch Northants, Saturday 5th October 2013 09.30 – 17.00. The blurb shows what kind of "research" has been done to make sure they are targeting real archaeology and not just scattered areas between known sites as their propagandists would have us believe:  
The site is in a very historic area on paper. Although now called Achurch this is the shrunken village of Thorpe Achurch the new field has the shrunken village on along with other crop marks. The site is also adjacent to Lilford cum Wigsthorpe another deserted early settlement. This is all just up from Thorpe Waterville the village of Achurch is just a small hamlet of houses at present. Aerial photos show crop marks of an enclosed Iron Age settlement on the new field also these marks run onto the land that is rolled and drilled, in adjacent woodland Iron Age burials were discovered by the 17th C antiquarians, a couple of fields across is a scheduled site of a Roman settlement.   
Participants will have to be careful though, they are cautioned "Please park off the road ASAP do not try to talk to whoever is parking you up, your money will be taken once off the road!". 

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