Thursday 10 October 2013

Focus on Metal Detecting: "Consulting the FLO"

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s off to FLO I go
"I also consulted Angie [Bolton FLO] about a possible market or fair site which appears to be currently unknown and which I may have identified from old maps. However the land is arable and has now been replanted so won’t be detectable until August or September 2014".

So what did Ms Bolton reply? "Ooo yes! we love it when you tekkies target known sites like that and hoik out interesting things for our database, GO for it"? Or did the author's blog get an outreachy lecture about good practice and preservation? Are not FLOs paid to do damage control, and not to participate in making ever more of it?

So where in the PAS data fields exactly do you put that information "suspected fair site"?  If somebody wanted to search the growing PAS database for information what has been found by metal detecting in and around suspected and known fair sites of different periods (surely a perfectly valid question), how would they go about it? Can they?


Unknown said...

Angie Bolton is a hardworking woman dedicated to her job who has done more in her lunch break to preserve our heritage than you have ever achieved with your offshore rants. When will you finally realise that you have wasted an awful lot of your life blogging to a world who care nothing for your extreme opinions. Time now for you to get busy either criticising my grammar or ignoring this comment entirely.
Perhaps you should find yourself a hobby other than Scrabble or try and get out and meet a girlfriend/partner.

Paul Barford said...

" dedicated to her job"

which is what? Consulting with metal detectorists about what site they are going to target next for their collecting activities, or try to persuade them to help preserve rather than erode sites?

That was the point I was making.

I am also sure she is capable of defending herself and letting us know what she did in this case. But so far only a metal detectorist (yes Steve?) has decided to attempt it for her. That's what in the UK they call the PAS' public outreach - ignoring questions like that.

It is interesting how many metal detectorists these days set out to make a point of telling me I am "wasting time" blogging about such issues, it's my time, my blog, if they think it's a waste of time, let them not read it...

Unknown said...

I'm not sure why your views are so twisted regarding metal detectorists?
I can only put it down to jealousy and the FACT that detectorists are discovering sites and artefacts that possibly would never have been found by archaeologists alone. Many detectorists are very responsible and work with like minded archaeologists based at local (and national) museums. I feel sorry for you as you seem to be quite blinkered in your outlook. Perhaps you should stop and think that not all detectorists are bad. I'm not saying that there aren't any, but that's the same in all walks of life. Check this out...

Paul Barford said...

"I'm not sure why your views are so twisted regarding metal detectorists?"

I would guess that would be about typical of somebody who cannot decide whether they are writing a statement or a question.

Try reading the blog. It helps.

"I can only put it down to jealousy and the FACT that detectorists are discovering sites and artefacts that possibly would never have been found by archaeologists alone."

How many times do you think I've heard that one?

You did actually read this post right through to the end, did you? Did you understand it? I think not.

"I feel sorry for you as you seem to be quite blinkered in your outlook."

How many times do you think I've heard that one?

Save your pity, please. There are many people in this world far more needful of it. I rather think you've not looked too far beyond the end of your nose at what I write here before scribbling a stereotypical reply containing the usual time-worn pseudo-arguments.

"Perhaps you should stop and think that not all detectorists are bad."

How many times do you think I've heard that one?

And perhaps you might do me the courtesy of reading what I think the problem (actually) is, before you start rudely telling me what I should do.

"I'm not saying that there aren't any, but that's the same in all walks of life. Check this out...

I have lost count of how many times that Daily Mail link has been used by artefact hunters to make some point or other. The problem is I am not sure what that point is, maybe you'd like to explain.

So if one archaeologist gets blind drunk and is arrested for hanging stark naked off the side of some bridge somewhere singing "for he's a jolly good fellow", you think that this (a) discredits all archaeologists and (b) makes it OK for you and your mates to sing suspended naked in the middle of a town centre somewhere? Would it make a difference if ten archaeologists and a medieval historian did the same, instead of one?

I do not get your line of logic - if there is any.

It's not about "good" (sic) and "bad" artefact hunters, its about policies towards artefact hunting and preservation, so what this bloke stole or did not do is totally immaterial to what this blog is discussing. "Innit"?

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