Tuesday 3 December 2013

Doug on Blogging Archaeology

Doug Rock-MacQueen sums up the results of the first month of his "Blogging Archaeology blog carnival", which is a massive task as he had 59 participants. After going through picking out some salient points, he sums it up:
In one word- diversity. 50+ archaeologists have blogged about the same questions but everyone had their own unique response to the question. Yes, there was overlap but having read them all I never once thought to myself, “gee I have already read this”. We are all archaeologists or interested in archaeology but we all blog, or don’t, for very different reasons.
There's a lot of good stuff from a group of people with much to say. All of the texts where I followed his links are highly articulate and reflexive, some are extremely amusing. They are all very thought-provoking. In other words there are links in this first edition of the 'carnival' to some really good blogs that deserve much deeper penetration, and Doug is to be thanked for this initiative.

 I have a feeling I might have a go at answering December's Questions too: "The theme is the good, the bad, and the ugly of blogging". No prizes for guessing what (who) the 'bad and ugly' is as far as this blogger is concerned. But I look forward to seeing what others write. Perhaps they have similar problems.

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