Thursday 25 April 2013


Vignette: The Front
No prizes for guessing who said this:  
Those actions by ECA/CHC [U.S. State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs/Cultural Heritage Center], [...] have been labeled “extralegal”, “arbitrary”, “capricious”, “secretive”, “disdainful”, “unbearable”, “immoral”, “lawless”, “subversive” and “absolutely unAmerican”...
 Yep, the Loony Coiney Front.  [Note capitalisation in the last phrase.] They will now presumably be calling for a resurrection of the House Un-American Activities Committee and set it to the investigation of disloyalty and subversive activities by US public employees over the importation of dugup ancient coins from other countries.


Cultural Property Observer said...

Come now, I recognize at least two of those descriptions coming from Urice and Adler and another from former CPAC chair Jay Kislak. He's actually the one who called the State Department's actions unAmerican. As you know Urice and Adler are well thought of academics and Jay Kislak has been very generous indeed to our country in both his service and his philanthropy. Also, I'm not sure LCF is as catchy as coiney. I'd stick with that.

Paul Barford said...

but it was the loony coineys who put that little list together in support of their case that coins without documentation of licit export from the country of origin should be allowed to enter the US market as if they had.

As this farce gets more Pythonesque I think the dealers' group behind it deserves a more Pythonesque name to highlight how ridiculous this is getting.

When you get those poxy stripped coins back what are you going to do with them? Sell them to your members? Coins like the ones in the photos? Do make sure they are appraised of the fact who supplied them to you...

Cultural Property Observer said...

So much for the new Paul Barford that was advertised on your blog just a week or so ago.

Paul Barford said...


Are you talking about what Wayne Sayles made of what I wrote about chatting to archaeologists?

I think he simply did not understand the point I was making. Its not the first time Dealer Sayles shows he does not actually understand anything much anyone on the other side of the fence is saying...

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