Friday 6 June 2014

Metal Detectorist Alters Old Hammered Coin in his Kitchen

Not quite the same league as dissolving mummy masks ("we can do that because they are ours") to get the papyrus fragments out, but interference with the state in which an object had been deposited for reasons of collectability (so it fits in a coin holder). Then it "could be worth thousands... yes, literally thousands".

Then give it a good scouring with aluminium foil... As one collector (Sean Perry) noted:
"It should also perhaps be noted that this item was not as claimed a plough damaged coin.  It was in fact  a perfectly good Love Token and as such quite an interesting and unusual item in its own right, folded exactly as would have expected that it should have  be in an item of the nature and date. Quite clearly therefore a Love Token, which this person had totally failed even to correctly identify as such in the first place and that the item  should never have been interfered with at all as this would clearly only damaged and devalue the item for no good reason whatsoever. The whole matter from start to finish was therefore a total and utter waste of time and effort".

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