Thursday, 29 September 2011

Egypt: New Head of SCA

It appears that Dr Mustafa Amin Mustafa (currently head of the SCA's Islamic & Coptic section) has been appointed the new head of the SCA after the resignation of Mohammed Abdel Fattah on 20th September (he had been appointed only a few weeks earlier, on 18th August - Hawass left office c. 17th July).

It in not clear what status the new head of the SCA has, Fattah had met with Prime Minister Essam Sharaf a week ago and gained some concessions such as a Treasury review of SCA funding and the establishment of his position as a Minister. he still refused to return to the post - quoting health reasons.

Youm7 English Edition, 'Egypt appoints new antiquities chief'

UPDATE: Friday
MENA: 'Sharaf appoints new secretary general for Supreme Council of Antiquities', Fri, 30/09/2011.

Anon, '
Another SCA Secretary General in office ..... But till when???!!!', Luxor Times blog, Friday, 30 September 2011

UPDATE Sunday:
Nevine El-Aref ,'New antiquities head, new plan, protestors satisfied', Ahram Online, Sunday 2 Oct 2011
"The newly appointed secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities says he will meet protestors’ demands, promises reform".

Photo: from Luxor Times note the apparent zebibah.

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