Sunday 22 April 2012

David Gill Crime Buster

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This Sunday, The Independent on Sunday publishes its fifth annual Happy List, naming 100 outstanding people whose volunteering, caring, fund-raising, mentoring, charity founding, or selflessness makes Britain a more contented, better-adjusted, supportive, and happier place [...] The Happy List began five years ago as an antidote to all those rich lists, which genuflect before the super-wealthy, the sharp-elbowed, inheritors of millions and the over-bonused. This list celebrates a different set of values, honouring those who give back, rather than take, those who help others without thought of enriching themselves, and, in many cases, at considerable personal cost.[...] The 100 people here are the result of weeks of research, appeals across social media, and scores of nominations from individuals and organisations. If you know of someone you think should have been included, then please let us know, and we will consider them next year. David Gill is number 37 on the alphabetical list. A search reveals there are no antiquity dealers, artefact hunters or coin collectors celebrated as such on the list. Congratulations David, well deserved.

1 comment:


Congratulations to David Gill!

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