Wednesday 31 December 2014

Heritage Action Look Back at their 2014

Alan S has concluded his "2014 Review of the Year" in three parts (here, here and here). To judge from the way metal detectorists react to HJ, one would be forgiven for thinking that the blog is all about artefact hunting, but in fact one can see that HA (like this blog) is concerned with many more wider issues too. One would have thought that "metal-detectorists-history-enthusiasts-passinitly-intrestid-in-the-past" would be supportive of such initiatives, but no. In the review, the most that is said about artefact hunting is this:
And finally, metal detecting. It’s been a bad year for depletion of the archaeological resource, with several major hoards coming to light, almost always in poor circumstances, with ill-disciplined excavation and greed at the forefront. We end the year with a plea to all archaeologists to finally speak up.
Will 2015 be the year when British archaeology finds its voice about the effects of collection driven exploitation of the archaeological record? 

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