Tuesday 16 December 2014

Letting the Side Down

The damaging trampling - despite
reports the curved line is not the 'c' of Greenpeace,
but somewhere near the final 'e'
So much for taking responsibility (William Neuman and Andrea Zaratedec: "Greenpeace Won’t Name Activists, Peru Says" Dec. 15, 2014).
Peruvian officials said on Monday that the environmental group Greenpeace had refused to hand over the names of activists who entered a protected area near the Nazca Lines, ancient etchings in the Peruvian desert.
But there is worse, an Austrian archaeology student (from the University of Vienna) reportedly played a major role:
One of the leaders of the effort appeared to be an archaeologist who set aside his studies to work for Greenpeace. The archaeologist-turned activist, Wolfgang Sadik, was identified in a video made by a Reuters cameraman who covered the event. In the video, Mr. Sadik is shown directing some of the other activists. “We chose the Nazca Lines because we think that these lines are a symbol for climate change,” he said in the video. “What happened here in the past on a smaller scale happens now on a global scale, and the Nazca culture disappeared because of climate change.”
Now the one doing a disappearing job seems to be Mr Sadik who could not be reached by the journalists.

UPDATE 8.1.15:
Four names are now given: 'Remand Sought for Greenpeace Activists for Damaging Nazca Lines'. 

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