Monday 12 January 2015

30% Surge in Metal Detector Sales After 5,000 Coin Hoik

Look what the PAS is "achieving" now. Lorcan Lovett is reporting a 'Surge in metal detector sales after discovery of 5,000 ancient coins' (Get Bucks, Jan 12, 2015). Do it yourself hoard hoiking will thus perhaps soon hit an all-time high too.
Maplin has seen a ‘huge surge’ in the demand for metal detectors this January, with the hobby back in the spotlight following the £1million hoard of coins found near Aylesbury. The specialist tech retailer has seen sales of metal detectors grow by 30 per cent in the past month, demonstrating the increasing popularity of metal detecting. [...] Oliver Meakin, managing director of Maplin Direct said: “Metal detectors have become very popular among our customers and we are seeing increasing interest in our range, especially the detectors that can be modified to search for coins and gold - perfect for hunting for hidden treasure.”
Here's a list of archaeological resources in Buckinghamshire, Lenborough is on it, what other 'productive' sites can these enthusiasts find there to produce hidden artefacts from?

Fortunately Maplins appear to stock some, ahem, 'basic' own-brand detectors of unstated origin (and Minelab X-terras and White's MXTs). But you can stumble across Treasure with any of these if its big enough and you are on top of it.  Just follow the instructions on the video, paint stripper tool to dig a narrow hole and scoop the whole lot into a carrier bag and off to the museum with it and see what they offer for it.

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