Sunday 18 January 2015

Collectors and Fakes - a NSFW Intaglio

Here's an interesting post by Dorothy King: 'How To Tell a Fake' 18th Jan 2015 about a Greek 2nd Century BC ring in the Benaki. She tweeted something about it a few days ago, and I must admit I thought hers was an 'odd comment' and passed on without thinking about it. My mistake, have a look at her art-historical breakdown of the image and its parallels and decide what you think. She makes some interesting points. I was reminded by this that one of my first contacts with the antiquities market was a little shop in Brighton which I visited on a day trip in 1978. From the seller, I learnt a few things about "Luristan bronzes" (which I still do not really understand), but what most impressed me was he had a huge copy of the missing Leonardo "Leda" used as a sliding door in his shop (sheer sacrilege even if it was nineteenth century pastiche) [anybody know who this dealer was?].

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