Wednesday 14 January 2015

"Well done PAS in doing such a professional job and giving guidance to others who assisted in the excavation"

A further series of comments by metal detectorists under the Culture24 article (apparently not being read by archaeologists) demonstrates the attitudes of UK metal detectorists to the manner in which the hoard was hoiked - 'better out than in' seems to be the takeaway message to the public they want to give. Typical is this one from a "Michaela" from Rugby (14 January 2015 09:29):
Well done Ros in doing such a professional job and giving guidance to others who assisted in the excavation. What a wonderful find and i look forward to reading more on the story in months to come. As for the negative vexatious blogging, its best ignored.
Yes I am sure all those who received such "professional" guidance during PAS-led hands-on hoiking experience are now fully clued up how to dig their own narrow hoik holes instead of securing the site for a more organized investigation of the findspot. Doing it "professionally" like here is so easy, the main recording equipment you need is a spade and carrier bag. Michael seems to confuse a comment with a blog.

Let's just ignore comments and public debate about how this was done, eh? And get on with trying to find the next million pound hoard of ancient shinies to treat in exactly the same damaging way, and the next... Michaela, what do we have a PAS for? Is it just to helpfully cart freshly-hoiked shinies off to the TVC for tekkies, do you think?

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