Friday 19 June 2015

Iraq: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities received a number of artefacts

As part of a national campaign launched by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities this month in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protect Iraqi antiquities, a number of artefacts that were smuggled to other countries were returned. This was announced by the deputy minister for antiquities Mr. Qais Hussein Rashid. The Ministry has received 663 relics which had been smuggled to buyers in Jordan, Italy and the United States. There were Assyrian stone and clay objects as well as glass items (vials and flasks) and parts of bronze weapons.

Who is buying such items, no questions-asked? Nasty selfish collectors or nasty selfish dealers pretended they "save history" by supporting culture crime?

Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities received a number of artefacts 18-06-2015

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