Monday 15 June 2015

The End of an Era: Future of PAS

House of Cards
I've been hearing more about the changes affecting the PAS, not all of which I can share here. What I am hearing suggests very strongly to me that the immediate future of the PAS in its present (altered) form is in doubt, which is disturbing because there seems to be no contingency plans for dealing with its absence. As for its long-term future... well, it looks increasingly like it has no long-term future. I could be wrong, but the future of British policy on artefact hunting and collecting is obviously something we should be discussing now.

What is totally amazing is the lack of any mention of any of this on the UK detecting forums. Admittedly there was no announcement and it would seem there had been little leaking of information about what, it now emerges, has been going on for several weeks. No doubt further details will emerge.

Vignette: House of Cards


John said...

Wally - your picture isn't of Roger Bland!
I tell you this, so you don't look a bigger fool then you already are!

John said...

Wally - your picture isn't of Roger Bland!
I tell you this, so you don't look a bigger fool then you already are!

John said...

Wally - your picture isn't of Roger Bland!
I tell you this, so you don't look a bigger fool then you already are!

Paul Barford said...

You have a metal detector haven't you? Well, when you find out whose picture it is and why it is there, we'll see who is the "wally".

David Knell said...

Paul, your vignette requires an intelligent reader to understand the CONTEXT. By the time John has figured out what that C-word means and why his frenzied insult backfired on him, I expect the BM will have long since crumbled to dust.

Paul Barford said...

He cannot even work out how to use the "send" button and sent the same thing three times. Duh. But that is it, metal detectorists are thick as planks most of them, always ready with an insult but totally oblivious to the wider political context in which their hobby has functioned until now, and seen no need to interest themselves in it. QED

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