Thursday 11 June 2015

PASt Explorers

"This is a five year project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to enhance the PAS's volunteer programme. Under PASt Explorers, volunteers operate as Community Finds Recording Teams (CFRTs) based around their local Finds Liaison Officer, and the teams are organised into ten regional training areas. Volunteers receive training in order to identify and record archaeological finds from their local area, increasing the number of objects recorded onto the PAS database.The teams also promote the actitivies of the PAS to new audiences in their areas, and recruit others to volunteer with the PAS and engage with the history and archaeology of their local areas. As part of the project, two Project Officers, an Outreach Officer and an ICT Officer have been appointed to help support and coordinate volunteers.
A list of current volunteering opportunities can be found here."
Five years, means it will finish May 2020. Then what? 

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