Friday 31 July 2020

"Metal detectors found more than 70 treasures across Essex in 2019"

Museum like no other
Ellis Whitehouse Metal detectors found more than 70 treasures in Essex', Basildon Canvey Southend Echo, 8th June
Essex's detectorists made 74 treasure finds last year – among more than 1,000 such discoveries across England and Wales. The British Museum said it was pleasing to see local museums across the country acquiring these "important archaeological objects", but urged treasure hunters to follow the laws surrounding metal detecting.[...] Lincolnshire was the best area for treasure, with 89 finds last year alone. In contrast, no treasure whatsoever was found in 23 areas.[...] With metal detecting being permitted again as lockdown lifts, Mr Richardson urged people to continue to follow the Code of Practice for Responsible Metal Detecting and report their discoveries, including Treasure.
Interestingly, absolutely no mention here of the Essex FLO Sophie Flynn. The journalists were probably wary of talking to her as she has an unapologetically irrational approach to discussing issues connected with metal detectorists finds in her region.

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