Wednesday 22 July 2020

UK Lockdown Shortfall

The UK lockdown lasted (with local variations) from 23rd March to 13th May, so 51 days. In this time metal detecting was not taking place (officially at least).

The revised daily figures for the Revised Artefact Erosion Counter (that is my own version, keeping the original HA figures for average annual finds rate at a little over 30 and counting 27000 active detectorists) is 816,750/365 = 2237.7 finds a day countrywide. Multiplied by 51, my revised counter should be 114,123 finds LOWER. I will not adjust it now, but instead of reading (as it does today) "8,293,468 objects removed from the ground since the beginning of the PAS", it should read something like "8,179,345 objects removed from the ground since the beginning of the PAS".

But then, where have all the finds that have been recorded over those  51 days (5191 objects in 4425 records - daily average 86.7 records a day) been coming from?

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