Thursday 1 December 2011

Illegal metal detecting at Old Sarum

The spectacular earthwork site at Old Sarum, just outside Salisbury is designated as a scheduled ancient monument and is of national significance. It is a criminal offence under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 to both use a metal detector in a scheduled monument without the written consent of English Heritage, and to damage a scheduled monument. not that some artefact hunters bother about things like that when there is the prospect of this being a "productive site" for coins and artefacts:
"POLICE are working with English Heritage to tackle illegal metal detecting at Old Sarum Castle. Over the last week, English Heritage has become aware of a number of incidents at the site where metal detectors have been used before offenders have dug up parts of the site, damaging sensitive archaeological deposits. [...] Anyone with information or who witnesses people using metal detectors in this area is asked to contact PCSO Nicola Clark on 101".
Source: Hannah White Illegal metal detecting at Old Sarum, Salisbury Journal, 29th November 2011.

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